Luther Wright
Artist Luther Wright was born in Washington D.C. He challenges the boundaries of traditional paintings, merging old formal techniques with new modern ones, creating his own genre of art. He was the recipient of the Titan Indie Arts Awards Artist of the Year in 2016, 2017, and 2019.
Because Luther is an explorer of the visual arts, his portfolio encompasses a broad range of painting styles and approaches. He considers his “style” to be no style at all. He explores new ways to use color and texture, and strives to create interesting compositions within all his Work.
He draws inspiration from everyday life as well as visions from his dream/meditation state.
Luther believes while dreaming/meditating we are able to enter other dimensions/parallel universes and as an artist he has the ability to bring those visions back into this existing plane for others to experience in the form of art.
“Art is captured energy. Energy is never lost, only transferred; therefore Art is an interface for energy.” LW
See Luther’s work at